An image on Finley doing a back flip

News & Events

Mit der BLKB ins Ziel

Ich bin stolz, verkünden zu dürfen, dass die Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank mich ab sofort als neuen Sponsor in meiner sportlichen Karriere begleitet und ich wiederum als Markenbotschafter für die BLKB auftrete. Mit diesem wichtigen Support fokussiere ich mich bereits auf kommende Ziele wie beispielsweise die Teilnahme an der Olympiade 2028, welche in Los Angeles stattfinden wird.

The magical 5 metres

The Götzis Meeting 2024 is over. As always there was a lot of excitement for this event, unfortunately, I wasn't able to deliver all my top performances this weekend. Still, I was super happy because I passed the magic mark of 5 metres in the pole vault for the first time. Another strong improvement, and now it’s back to training with the focus on the Olympic Games in Paris.

Sunny Santa Barbara

In January, I was invited to train with Damian Warner in sunny Santa Barbara, California. Is was a great and inspiring experience, with many hours of sunshine. Warner won gold in the decathlon at the 2020 Summer Olympics.

Interested in the details of my training sessions? Then follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn.

8022 POINTS!

At this year's meeting in Götzis, I finally exceeded the magical limit of 8000 points. I have to admit that not everything went smoothly during the competition, but the result was incredibly satisfying. It makes me enthusiastic about the rest of the season.

Finley jumping
Image of Finley Gaio ready to run


Usually, my week includes seven to nine training sessions. During colder months, it mainly consists of running and strength exercises indoors to create a good foundation. The closer the competition, the more I focus on my techniques and fine-tuning.


The first day put me in a very positive mood because, overall, I could perform very consistently. The second day started shaky, but with discipline after discipline, it got better. Ultimately, a new personal best of 7949 points was enough for 9th place.

Finley in mid air


Join me on my next steps and goals


Test-Vierkampf Neuwied
16-17 May
HYPO-Meeting Götzis
31 May-01 Jun
SM Mehrkampf Lausanne
14-15 Jun
Decastar Talence
05-06 Jul
World Athletics Championships (Tokio / JPN)
13-19 Sep
20-21 Sep
Join my team